Important - Enhanced Access appointments available at this surgery
We're open
The practice will be offering RSV vaccinations to eligible patients from 7th September 2024. To find out more about this vaccine, please go to the homepage. You can now register to be a patient at this practice, via the NHS App - see the registrations page to begin the process. Enhanced Access appointments with a Nurse and GP are available at this surgery on a Monday evening and a Saturday morning. As christmas is around the corner, please ensure that your order your prescriptions in pleanty of time to ensure that you have enough to last over the festive period. You can order via your normal route or via the NHS App.
The Practice has introduced a Patient Participation Group which currently meets every 2 to 3 months. We are very keen to resume these meetings all be it perhaps remotely depending on numbers etc. We would like to encourage ANYONE to come forward who would like to partake, you will be made to feel very welcome. There is no obligation to speak in front of the group if you are not comfortable doing so, simply attend the meetings and go from there. We would like a variation of age groups to come forward to represent the patient base/community. As we have learned very quickly through out the pandemic things are changing rapidly, we are having to adapt to new ways of working and we understand this can be daunting at the best of times.
The Group acts as a channel for sharing information about the practice and for discussing practice and patient opinion about the day to day running of the Medical Centre and possible future initiatives.
We are very keen for patients of our Practice to bring ideas to the forum to give us the opportunity to understand and, where possible, meet your needs. Please do note, however, that this is not the forum for discussing individual clinical issues, which should be addressed, directly, to the practice. If you would like to join the group please contact the Chair of the Group, Mrs Pat Clare via email at giving your name, address, telephone number and email address so that you may be contacted. If you do not have access to email please write to us at the address below and we shall pass on your details or give your name and contact number to reception.
Neston Medical Centre
Liverpool Road
CH64 3RA
Wellbeing Service-converted PDF poster
produced by the Patient Participation Group. Newsletter
In January 2012 we conducted a Patient Survey (results attached) Patient Survey Jan 12.pdf subsequently we met with our Patient Participation Group, where we discussed the results of the survey and produced an Action Plan (minutes of the meeting attached) Minutes3rdMeeting31Jan12-PatientSurvey.pdf also see attachments mentioned in the minutes CommunityTransportLetterofSupportJan12.pdf and Patient Survey Comparison 2006-7 to 2011-12.pdf and 1.DNAPosterJan12-168.pdf.
In February 2013 we conducted a Patient Survey (results attached) Patient Survey February 13.pdf subsequently we met with our Patient Participation Group, where we discussed the results of the survey and produced an Action Plan (minutes of the meeting attached) Minutes PPG Meeting 21 March 2013-PatientSurvey.pdf Again we produced a comparison with previous years Patient Survey Comparison 2006-7 to 2012-13.pdf – also attached the Patient Information Leaflet regarding our new appointments system Patient Access PatientInformation Slip-Final.pdf-Final
In October 2013 we conducted a Patient Survey (results attached) PatientSurveyOctober2013.pdf In January 2014 we met with our Patient Participation Group to discuss the results of the survey and produce an Action Plan (minutes of the meeting attached) Minutes12thMeeting8January2014-PatientSurvey.pdf One of our ‘Action Points’ was to produce a newsletter regarding our new appointments system NewsletterFeb14-FINAL.pdf
Patient Participation Report for Year Ending March 2015 including action plan priority areas and implementation Patient Participation Report 2014-2015